PDF: Calculus: Logica Bivalente

Calculus: Logica Bivalente

Lukasiewicz Logic: From Proof Systems To Logic Programming

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(PDF) ¿Qué es lo lógico? La logicidad dentro y fuera de la

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XIV INDICE A. Emiliani, Logica bivalente e logiche con lacune nei valori di verita 179 G. Fischer Servi, Some metatheoretical properties of bimodal calculi 185 G. Longo, E. Moggi, Types, computations and categories 187 P. Minari, Disjunction and existence properties in intermediate predicate logics 199 F. Parlamento, Reflection and induction principles relative to primitive re­

Sanchis : Nueva demostracion de la completicidad funcional

Project Euclid mathematics and statistics online. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic; Volume 2, Number 1 (1961), 33 40. Nueva demostracion de la completicidad funcional del calculo proposicional bivalente (A new proof of the functional completeness of the two valued propositional calculus)

UNIDADE 1 Capítulo II Noções de Lógica Formal a lógica

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